Workforce assessments are a great investment and help for an organization’s recruitment and hiring processes. There are even different types of it, depending on what you want to look for in your talents. However, with the recent restrictions implemented by the government for the people’s safety, contact is limited. How then, will you ensure that your recruitment processes and your testing administration are continuous? The answer: shifting to online workforce assessments.


Why Should You Shift to Online Workforce Assessments?


Easier administration

Paper and pen assessments can be a hassle to administer. You have to print the assessments, the answer sheets, prepare pens or pencils, and more! What if you have numerous candidates to assess? You have to do those steps repeatedly until you successfully administer all the tests you need. Imagine the amount of time and resources that you spend to go through these processes.

When you shift to online workforce assessments, you can eliminate these tiresome processes. Online workforce assessments are designed to be easier to administrate. As long as your candidate has the right devices, they can take the assessment. You also wouldn’t have to worry if you have printed enough test papers since the exam is taken digitally. And since they’re online, you can just send a link to the candidate where they could take the exam, saving you from the problem of finding a suitable location to accommodate your applicants. This shift can also aid your HR digital transformation efforts.


Lessening geographical restrictions and larger talent pool

Administering pen and paper assessments means that you have to ensure that you have a suitable location to accommodate your applicants. When you invite the candidate to take the exam, they have to go to the location that you provided. But what if they can’t go? Then you lose a potential employee because of geographical restrictions.

Digital assessments also don’t necessarily mean that you can access them anywhere. They just mean that you can access the assessments through a digital device. If your digital assessments are not online, it means that you would still need a testing center with computers instead of papers and pens.

“Online” workforce assessments mean that as long as you can connect to a network, you can access the tests. So even if your candidate can’t go to your location, they can still take the exam. You lessen the geographical restrictions, and you also gain access to a wider range of talents.


Faster results turnover and clear reports

One disadvantage of workforce assessments in the Philippines is that most of them, especially the pen and paper version, are prone to human errors and have slow turnaround time for results. Online workforce assessments don’t have that problem. Online assessments have auto-scorable questions. You can get a candidate’s assessment reports as soon as they finish the exam if you wish.

Online assessments also facilitate quick and clear reports on a candidate’s progress and results. Reports of online assessments usually contain visuals and other recommendations that can help you better understand a talent and how well they fit your organization.


Reliable and valid assessments

It’s a big misconception that just because a workforce assessment is online, they’re not valid and reliable. Online workforce assessments go through the same reliability and validation that pen and paper versions go through, as long as you source them from a trustworthy provider. In fact, most assessments have been existing for decades and may not be valid anymore today. And only a few assessments undergo the necessary revalidation process.

To ensure that they deliver, many online workforce assessments go through numerous reliability and validity tests and are also regularly validated. For example, we at People Dynamics, Inc. makes sure that our assessments, aside from being locally-normed and competency-based, are regularly validated so that it stays up-to-date with the current workforce needs.



Last but not the least, online workforce assessments are cost-effective. They do these by vastly reducing the administrative time used to create, deliver, and mark the exams. They also lessen the resources needed for the assessments such as office supplies and manpower.


The world is continuously digitalizing. Being online is not optional anymore, but necessary. And with the ongoing health crisis looming over our heads and the need for physical distancing, digital and online is the way to go. Why not shift to online for your workforce assessments?