This guest post is written by Mr. Ryan Simbulan, a student from Technological Institute of the Philippines.

The Office Christmas Party is a chance to impress and express. A party to talk to co-workers, your boss, and even the people you avoid—it is a good chance, indeed. But the holiday party may also be a good chance to get your reputation, or worse, your career, ruined. Bad gestures and nosy talks may cut your opportunities and suppress your career network. Given all the reasons, here are the things you should never do for your company holiday party.


Company Holiday Party Don’ts: Things You Should Never Do During Your Company’s Holiday Party

Be Absent

You’ve got a good opportunity to extend your network, why miss it? Your presence may serve as a good chance to prove your character, commitment, and loyalty to the company. It doesn’t mean that you have to be present at all times. As long as there’s a valid reason, you can explain your absence. But keep in mind that a lousy excuse will get your career at stake.


Bring Uninvited Guests

A child, a sibling, or an acquaintance that you think may ruin the intimacy that your company wants to achieve is a bad idea. Uninvited guests will keep you occupied, making you unavailable to mingle with your colleagues. Be mindful that your guests will consume the food in the party that is not allotted to them. Don’t bring someone that will distract you from pursuing your company’s goal for this holiday party.


Looking Unentertained

Okay, you’re bored. But keep it inside. Do not slouch, space out, keep yourself from the crowd, and keep your face on your phone. Be relaxed but not too much to the point that you look lazy. Not all parts of a company party are entertaining, but that doesn’t mean that you should be downright disrespectful in the moments it isn’t.


Getting Too Carried Away

Keep in mind that your company holiday party is still a business function. Go have fun but don’t get too carried away. Drink but stay sober, eat but mind the others, talk but not gossip and share but not your negativities. Be mindful of your actions. Don’t do anything that you won’t do on any normal office day.


Dress, prepare, observe, and engage. This is an opportunity to create more opportunities, so don’t miss it. Advanced Happy Holidays!