The whole world is now transitioning to the “new normal”. A different environment that allows you to do the things you need to do, but with less contact to reduce the risk of those affected by the pandemic become out of control. One of the things that will surely be affected by this new normal is the way you do learning. And students are not the only ones that need a different method of learning—professionals do, too. One of the methods to be used is remote learning.


What is Remote Learning?

According to the Training Industry, remote learning “occurs when the learner and instructor, or source of information, are separated by time and distance and therefore cannot meet in a traditional classroom setting. Information is typically transmitted via technology (email, discussion boards, video conference, audio bridge) so that no physical presence in the classroom is required; otherwise, it would be Hybrid or Blended Learning. Remote learning can occur synchronously or asynchronously. Also referred to as Distance EducationVirtual Instruction, or Remote Training.”

The key point on their definition is that the learner and instructor can’t meet in a traditional classroom setting. If they’re separated by time and distance, then that considers remote learning. Online learning or e-learning falls under this category. The use of a learning management system or LMS can also belong to this category.

Remote learning allows you to reach people from anywhere, and allow you to train your employees despite their location.


How to run a remote learning program

Design properly your employee development program

To ensure the success of your learning and development program you’re going to implement, you have to design an employee development program that will help you achieve your goals. You need to identify what you want to achieve by using remote learning, who will be the audience, what topics or programs to discuss, and what can possibly be its purpose for your organization.

Remote learning is just like your traditional programs, it has to serve its purpose for your organization. That’s why you should design your employee development program that will be using remote learning. Here are some hacks in designing your employee development program.


Find the right platform for you

Now that you’ve worked out how you can use remote learning, it’s time to find the right platform for you. The number of remote learning solutions growing in the market has been steadily growing. You could opt to avail of any of these solutions after careful evaluation. Or, you could also invest in a video conferencing platform, and then prepare your content separately. You should also ask yourself whether you want live sessions or asynchronous learning.

Another option is to invest in a learning management system for your organization to act as a repository for all your remote learning needs. Decide carefully what remote learning platform you are going to use.


Watch out for these corporate training mistakes

In a previous blog entitled “5 Corporate Training Mistakes You Should Definitely Avoid“, we listed down some training mistakes that you should never, ever, make. According to this blog, you should watch out for the following:

  • Not knowing your audience and their needs
  • Not knowing what you’re talking about
  • Your content and method is not engaging
  • Training for irrelevant things
  • Treating training as a one-and-done deal.

Since you’re using remote learning for your organization, the same things to watch out for also apply. This is why it’s important to carefully design your employee development program. Having a plan in place can help you prepare for all the things you need and ensure a more successful implementation.


Be flexible, be adaptable

Since the world is still transitioning to the new normal, nothing is set in stone yet. No one knows when the pandemic will end or at when it’ll at least be manageable that you don’t have to be scared every time you go out. Experts observed that pandemics and epidemics usually last for 18 to 24 months, but who knows if this will be shorter or longer? And, this will probably not the last time the world is going to face a crisis.

What this means that changes will—and is bound to—happen. Your program may work for now, but in two or three months, it may not be suitable anymore. Be flexible and be adaptable with your remote learning plans. After all, the key to managing change is adaptability. Monitor and track how your organization is doing in terms of your plans, and know which aspects you can continue doing, which you can do better, and which you need to stop immediately.


Remote learning can be your solution to continuous employee development during times of crisis, and even in the future! The best time to start using it for your organization? Now.


If you’re looking for an alternative learning system or an e-learning system for your organization, the LearnED, a learning management system powered by People Dynamics, Inc. is just for you! Match your remote learning needs using LearnED. For more information, email us at or contact us through our website.