A lot of articles have been constantly talking about how fast changes happen and how it’s inevitable, especially with the state and situation of the world today. As they say, the only constant in life is change. The workforce landscape is constantly transforming. What can you do to be able to confront change in the workplace?


Ways to Confront Change in the Workplace

Change is inevitable. It will happen when it happens and the only thing you can do is to accept it and learn to adapt. Here’s how you can confront it:


Prepare for multiple outcomes

The future is full of uncertainties. You don’t know what will be the exact consequence of a situation. What you can do is prepare for it. Stop trying to guess what will happen and start thinking about all the possible outcomes of your situation. This way, you’ll know immediately what you need to do should anything happen. As they say, hope for the best but expect the worst.


Don’t panic or be impulsive

People’s first reaction to change is to be afraid of it. Why should you embrace change when you’re perfectly fine with the way it is currently? Or, as a quote says, why fix something that’s not broken? If it works for you, why should you change it? The fear of change is so common and sometimes severe in other people that there’s actually a term for it—metathesiophobia.

To confront change, you need to stay calm and think things through. Ask yourself some questions (questions that you can also use when shaping a change program for your organization):

  • Where are you now? What’s your current situation?
  • Where do you want to go?
  • Are you ready to start?
  • What should you do? What steps do you take? and,
  • What should you do to keep moving forward?

Once you’ve listed your actions, evaluate them, and then plan the best courses of action.


Accept imperfection

Nothing goes exactly and as perfectly as planned. The only thing you can do is adapt. Stop striving for perfection and instead work to have the best possible outcome from the situation. When you do, you can better equip yourself in facing the challenges that accompany the change that is happening.

As a human being, you have limits. Before you confront change, it’s best to know how you can use your strengths and discover your opportunities. At the same time, keep in mind your weaknesses and the threats to you and your circumstances.


Your best weapon against any challenge thrown at you is preparedness. You are twice at risk when you are caught off guard. The time you’ll need to gather your bearings is a time that can be used in tackling change head-on. Remember, change is scarier when you just stand still!

You can also read more about the powerful ways you can confront change in the workplace here.