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This training focuses on the application of knowledge pertaining to the basics of psychological test development.

Specifically, an overview of testing, its ethics, and the five general phases of test development will be tackled through interactive lectures and case presentations.

This training will teach you

  1. how to conceptualize a psychological test and its specific facets,
  2. how to construct sound test items that are representative of the construct,
  3. how to conduct the data-gathering process in test development,
  4. how to perform reliability analysis and item analysis, and
  5. how to examine the quality of test items and refine them based on statistical data.

  1. Overview of Testing
    • Importance of Testing
    • Characteristics of a Good test
    • What a Test Cannot Do
    • Ethical Consideration in Testing
  2. Test Conceptualization
    • Preliminary Questions to Ask in Creating a Test
    • Review of Related Literature
    • How to Conduct Documentary Analysis
  3. Test Construction
    • Different Test Formats
    • How to Write Good Test Items
    • Preliminary Validation of Test Items
  4. Test Tryout
    • Data Gathering Process
    • Test Administration Guidelines
    • How Many Respondents are Needed
  5. Item Analysis and Reliability Analysis
    • Statistical Data Analysis in Test Development
    • What the Indices Mean
  6. Test Revision
    • What Items to Keep, Revise, or Drop
    • How to Do Item Inspection and Revision

HR Boot Camp Trainer: DonnavelMary Donnavel Libron-Buloron is a licensed psychometrician with a master’s degree in guidance and counseling. She is now working on her PhD in social psychology.

Her career experience is a mix of academe and industry practice:

After graduating cum laude from the University of the Philippines–Cebu, Donnavel, who took up psychology, worked as a talent development officer at an HR consulting firm in the city.

There, she handled various training programs and organizational-development projects, honing her skills in training-outline creation, training implementation, and organizational assessment.

She went on to become the training officer of one of the city’s renowned non-government organizations.

As a training officer, she was responsible for setting up the organization’s training unit and overseeing the full training cycle, from planning to implementation and evaluation.

She was also responsible for creating the organization’s competency-based training, performance-management system, and succession planning.

Looking for opportunities outside the HR industry, she took a teaching job in one of Cebu’s prestigious colleges.

Donnavel has been teaching major subjects in psychology—such as psychological testing and assessment, social psychology, and experimental psychology—for the past nine years.

She has also been advising research projects and writing research articles for the college department’s journal.

While teaching, Donnavel ranked third in the 2015 psychometrician board examination nationwide. In the same year, she became the college’s guidance personnel.

Donnavel served as the psychology program head for the school year 2020–2021.

Aside from her academic career, she works as an associate consultant and facilitator at People Dynamics Inc.

In this role of Donnavel, she helps develop training modules and leadership assessment tools, among others.

She also manages several consulting and research projects for the clients of the said organization.


Psychological Test Development Trainer — Eon BacalanErron Christopher “Eon” Bacalan, RPm is a research and development officer at Profiles Asia Pacific, the Philippines’ leading and premier provider of psychological assessments, who is engaged in the practice of psychological scale construction.

He is a licensed psychometrician specializing in statistical data analysis in test development and research settings.

His projects include the Abstract Reasoning Assessment, Job Match Assessment, and Profiles Competency Assessment.

Eon is one of the first top-notchers to hail from Far Eastern University, ranking eighth in the July 2015 psychometrician licensure examination.

He was the university’s quiz bee champion. He further competed and won in the PAPJA National Quiz Challenge for two consecutive years during his undergraduate.

He is currently working on his master’s degree in clinical psychology at the University of Santo Tomas. For his graduate thesis, he is developing a scale on Filipino histrionic personality.

He is a board lecturer at the Mega Minds Psychology Review Center. There, he shares his knowledge in personality theory, psychological assessment, and professional ethics. He also does consultancy work for academic research, statistics, and psychometrics.

People Dynamics is an accredited Learning and Development Institution by Profiles International, LLC., Wiley, Genos International, Civil Service Commission, and the Professional Regulation Commission.


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