Profiles Learning Agility Assessment

Assessment Overview

The Profiles Learning Agility Assessment (PLAA) is a cognitive-reasoning and personality assessment that measures learning agility—an individual’s willingness and ability to acquire knowledge from experience and successfully apply the information in future situations. It is also a primary indicator to know the talents who have the most potential to lead and become successful.

You can use this assessment as a recruitment tool to help make better talent decisions and select employees willing and able to learn from experience and possess the potential to be a leader.

The PLAA has ready-made behavioral interpretations and coaching tips that would help improve the test taker’s performance.


  • People Agility refers to a person’s ability to socialize with others, value social harmony, see their strengths and weaknesses, and willingly improve oneself. This dimension has three sub-dimensions:
    • Extroversion — the tendency to enjoy socializing and interacting with different people, participating in activities that require social skills, and often perceived as full of energy.
    • Agreeableness — denoting the character of being usually friendly, having an optimistic view of human nature, and generally getting along well with others.
    • Self-awareness — describes the ability to see oneself clearly and objectively, be aware of their thoughts, reflect on their behavior, and criticize and willingly improve themself.
  • Mental Agility refers to an individual’s capacity to welcome complexity and ambiguity, examine problems, and quickly make solutions.
  • Results Agility refers to the ability to perform beyond normal and deliver quick results under tough conditions while inspiring and building confidence in others and also describes the ability to bounce back easily from difficult experiences and undergo profound personal growth.
  • Change Agility refers to an individual’s constant curiosity and passion for ideas and their willingness to experiment and try out new things.

Additional Information

Profiles Learning Agility Assessment (PLAA) has two available reports—the Basic Individual Report and Coaching Report.

The Basic Individual Report contains behavioral indicators and coaching tips to improve the individual’s performance.

The Coaching Report is for the HR professionals and managers of the test taker. HR professionals can use this report for better hiring decisions and for identifying incumbent employees who are likely to succeed in higher positions.