Counterproductive Work Behavior Profile

Assessment Overview

This Counterproductive Work Behavior Profile (CPWBP) assessment measures six behavioral traits found to be significant to an employer.

This test also provides insight into a candidate’s general disposition and attitudes on detrimental issues resulting in possible counter-productivity in the workplace.


Counterproductive Work Behavior Profile Dimension: Aggression


An individual’s hostile or violent behavior or attitudes.

Counterproductive Work Behavior Profile Dimension: Business Ethics

Business Ethics

A person’s sets of values that govern their actions and behavior in the business organization.

Counterproductive Work Behavior Profile Behavior: Dependability


An individual’s attitude towards assigned tasks and delegated responsibilities.


A person’s attitude regarding the theft of goods, money, property, data, or time.

Sexual Harassment

An individual’s attitude on sexual coercion and conduct directed at and offensive to another person.

Substance Abuse

A person’s attitude toward the use of controlled substances.

Time Limit and Number of Items

Additional Information

Level: Rank and File/ Entry Level/ Technical/ Specialists/ Officer Level
Locally Normed: General Filipino working population and Management level population
Customisable Norms: Can conduct norming study based on own data
Automated Scoring: Results are received right after completion of test
Scores presented in STEN
Includes an Interview Guide:
Interview questions generated depending on the score that the candidate got in each dimension