Assessment Overview
PEOPA is a personality assessment that examines a person’s Big Five personality traits. This covers ethics-oriented test items that would give a picture of the moral principles that govern a person’s behavior. The test does not only measure the person’s prevailing trait, but it also gives an idea about the person’s moral uprightness which could be a very useful screening assessment specially on sensitive job positions.
Openness to Experience
- Openness to Aesthetics
- Openness to Fantasy
- Openness to Ideas
- Openness to Values
- Orderliness
- Responsibility
- Self-Discipline
- Alertness
- Cheerfulness
- Gregariousness
- Novelty Seeking
- Helpfulness
- Honesty
- Humility
- Understanding
Emotional Stability
- Capacity to Withstand Stress
- Emotional Maturity
Additional Information
Level: Rank and File/ Entry Level/ Technical/ Specialists/ Officer Level/ Supervisory/ Managerial
Locally Normed: General Filipino working population
Automated Scoring: Results are received right aftercompletion of test
Customisable Subscales
Extensive Reports showing behavioral indicators, coaching tips, and insights on the personality of an individual.
Useful in screening candidates for sensitive job positions (e.g. government, finance, etc.)