This article was written by Ms. Ruby Mañalac, Director of Marketing and Distributor Networks of Profiles Asia Pacific and People Dynamics, and was originally posted on her LinkedIn account.
What I Learned??? Appreciation.
It was about 5:30 PM when we finally got on board the “ferry” boat that will take us to Dalaruan, Puerto Galera, where we will be holding our corporate strategic planning. It was a placid sea amidst the almost darkening sky. There was a sense of excitement, anxiety, and jovial mood for all, generally. It was, after all, the first time that business unit heads are putting their heads together out-of-town for three days and two nights.
It was out of our comfort zone but something that we are all hoping to do as part of our requirement. We arrived in a vacation home built within the peripherals of mountains surrounded by water. Not much to see but yes, the sound of a security goose compensating in an otherwise quiet night.
The sun was slowly seeping into the crevices of our curtained glass-paneled bedroom. After an unceremonious dressing up, we gathered upstairs in the dining room where a beautiful view of the water, the lush greens and a cornucopia of boats gave the scene an almost unrealistic feel. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!
More beautiful things came as we were cheerfully served a wonderful breakfast of garlic fried rice, bacon, yes bacon, eggs, tomatoes and other good things mornings are made of by the local cooks and house helpers. IT WAS APPETIZING!!!
The strategic presentations went on their way. Each department to present its activities for next year with collaborative efforts with other units. We are moving towards a nimble, adaptive teaming where inputs from the rest are of value. After all, we are all working towards one GOAL. IT WENT REALLY WELL!!!
Part of the planning was an individual developmental plan for the year 2018. We discussed disruptive HR and I thought and had to say it, “We were positively disruptive during the year 1998, when we first introduced software then migrating to online people management assessments. The market at that time was heavily using pen and paper tests, mainly for recruiting. We were at the manpower of 5 at that time now at 50 and continuously getting better before getting any bigger! I WAS AMAZED!!!
The next day was just as amazing with the inputs of Ricky and Corito. We were asked to write letters to everyone in the group including our bosses, owners of Profiles, Malcolm and Jocelyn, on the positive things we love about working with them. It took some time and it was a lengthy exchange of thank you and letter giving. IT WAS INCREDIBLY LIBERATING!!!
At the end of the day, I learned or re-learned APPRECIATION…
Appreciation for the organization and how it is now going on its’ 20th year as the leader and expert in online people management assessments, dynamic learning & development programs, effective human resource management solutions.
Appreciation for the founders and movers Malcolm and Jocelyn for seeing our strengths and harnessing them towards peak performance.
Appreciation for our Creator, for giving us the opportunity to fill our eyes with His wondrous creations and to fill our spirits with gratefulness.
Appreciation for Ricky and Corito who has seen from the sideline our roots and our growth.
Appreciation for each other in the company in our sometimes selfless, at times selfish efforts to achieve our corporate goals. It is understandable.
Appreciation for the people who willingly with cheer served us the whole time we were there. And for the homeowners who graciously shared with us their piece of heaven, a haven of solace and glee in Puerto Galera.
Appreciation that I came, I saw and I appreciated.